Wednesday, April 08, 2009

God is Good Part 3

i spoke in oneighty.
it was a delight.
i learned a lot from it.
it turned out alright.
i truly love Jesus.
it keeps me in tight.
i should really stop rhyming.
or it could end in a fright.

The Gathering March 25 2009 from The Gathering on Vimeo.


Vicky said...

I've never heard the details from you of the night E went to the hospital. I'm crying.

This talk reminds me of when my mom died, and the way God has used that in my life. I wrote a post last year on how God used that difficulty to grow me into who I am today: (you may have read it, but just in case, there's the link).

You made $20/hr?! Wow, babysitting's gone up quite a bit since I babysat you and 7 other D kids. :) In fact, that's even way more than what I made in college babysitting in Seattle.

Great message, Cassie! Thanks for once again sharing it here :)

Jeremiah said...

your rhymes are hilarious.
oh, good message, btw. :D

Ann Dunagan said...

It's fun to hear you share! - Love you, Cassie!!!

P.S. My old blog is closed down. You can find me blogging now (with Audio too!!!) on our brand-new Harvest Ministry - Mission-Minded LIFE website/blog -

Becky said...

Every time I watch this I smile. You are such a blessing in my life.