The tears won't stop.
why doesn't the joy of knowing i am obeying what God said take away
the pain of what is happening?
march 8 2009.
Please don't give up.
Why is it that no matter how hard i try to go to sleep...
1am makes sense as the "right" bed-time?
why do i keep wanting to pick up my phone and talk for 3 hours?
how can my eyes keep crying? where do the tears come from?
why is yawning the worst thing ever?
the tears won't stop, yet i have a peace in my heart and a knowledge in my head that the
goodness and faithfulness of God is going to pull me through.
no matter what happens; HIS plans for me are good.
i have a feeling the 'beep' of an incoming text is going to make my heart jump.
i have a sudden and CRAZY longing to watch star wars.
i am determined to find a really great tree, climb it, take a picture of it and write all about it.
the tears won't stop... and my face is RED from crying so hard....
when i was little and sobbing, my dad would try and make me laugh
by asking why my face gets red when i cry.
I still don't know why it does, but it still does.
don't give up.
i am trying to be the screaming optimist.
my screaming optimist... i can hear your voice;
screaming the joys of the day and that the rain is coming!!!!
your laugh makes me smile...
and then the tears come. again.
until then. this is me: trusting Christ through tears of obedience.
why doesn
the pain of what is happe
Why is it that no matte
1am makes
why do i keep wanti
how can my eyes keep cryin
why is yawni
the tears
no matte
i have a feeli
i have a sudde
i am deter
the tears
when i was littl
by askin
I still
i am tryin
my screa
your laugh
and then the tears
I am praying for you!
I wish I could give you a hug right now. Pretend this is me...
i miss you so much and can just imagine you sitting on your bed wanting a sissy or mom or friend to come and hold you as you cry. i would be there if i could. i'm sending you hugs from Argentina!!!!
love you so much.
I'm just trying out Papa's new comment account, to see if it works.
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